- 논 문 -
1. Youn Tae SUH , Dae Heon MOON(2016). Effect of Psychomotor Program on Inattetion and Impulsivity of Chilren with ADHD, Indian Journal of Science and Technology , vol9(25). ISSN:0974-6846
2. Dae-heon Moon, Bung-iL Kang, Youn-tae Suh(2017). Effect of Psychomotor and Art Therapy Program on the Children with ADHD .International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences (IJPBS), Special issue 04 "Medical Science“.
3. 문대훈(2018). 재활체육 제한환경 및 해결과정 탐색. 한신대학교 대학원. 박사학위논문.
- 논 문 -
1. Youn Tae SUH , Dae Heon MOON(2016). Effect of Psychomotor Program on Inattetion and Impulsivity of Chilren with ADHD, Indian Journal of Science and Technology , vol9(25). ISSN:0974-6846
2. Dae-heon Moon, Bung-iL Kang, Youn-tae Suh(2017). Effect of Psychomotor and Art Therapy Program on the Children with ADHD .International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences (IJPBS), Special issue 04 "Medical Science“.
3. 문대훈(2018). 재활체육 제한환경 및 해결과정 탐색. 한신대학교 대학원. 박사학위논문.